Human Interface

We all hate ads on the internet. We just don’t like it. Period. May be I’m generalizing here, but it’s a very factual statement at least with respect to me and a few people I know.

The moment we use the “Chrome Downloader” a.k.a Internet Explorer/Safari to download Chrome, the first add-on I install is the “Ad-Blocker Plus” or ABP. We all know why. The experience surfing the internet with ABP and without ABP is entirely different.

If you are a ABP user, you probably are aware of the fact that you can disable ABP extension for specific websites. When I saw that feature years ago, I said to myself that I was never ever going to use that feature.

Never. Ever.

But I did exactly the opposite today. It probably took more than 5 years for this to happen, but I still did it, just for one website. And that is

Here is what happened.

I came across this super interesting article ( somewhere (Twitter to be exact) on the wild wild web. As I was reading through roughly the 7th line of the article this thing came up blocking the article content.


Needless to say, this made me furious at the glance. I was angry still after reading their plea to disable the ad-blocker in that small grey text. As the article was well written and I did not really want to miss reading the article, I went ahead and disabled the ABP (for this website alone) and promised myself to turn it right back on as soon as I finished reading the article.



Right after I disabled ABPfor the site, I refreshed the browser and continued reading while being watchful & concerned about the banner ads that started showing up on the website. After a few seconds this thing popped up…5I fell for it.

It was touching. It felt personal. I got the same satisfactory feeling you get when you see a “Thank You” note right after you make a charity contribution. The sense of having done something good.

That same moment, I changed my mind and told myself to never enable ABP for wired again. They provide great articles, I need them to feed to my technology cravings and now more than ever wired feels personal and close.

Will this experience have a long standing effect? Will I start disabling ABP for more websites to help support websites that solely depend on ad revenue? Time only can tell.

Application Monitoring and DevOps


DevOps is often considered as just Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment or CICD in short. Often the whole part of monitoring application performance and log monitoring is overlooked. Let’s take a step back and see what the basic principles of DevOps are.

Principles of DevOps

  1. Application development environment and Testing environment must closely simulate the production environment
    1. No last minute surprises
  2. Deploy builds as frequently as possible
    1. Fail fast, learn fast
  3. Validate operation quality continuously
    1. Metrics, Metrics, Metrics

While points 1 & 2 are generally taken care in a “typical” DevOps implementation process, the last part often misses the radar and nothing much gets done to make existing situation more efficient.

Performance and Log monitoring

It is very essential to monitor and validate the application’s health and performance during all the stages of application lifecycle including development, testing and maintenance. Analyzing application logs and other performance telemetry data is a great way to achieve this. Identifying a potential forthcoming issue in advance using log and telemetry data not only improves customer satisfaction, but also could prevent huge financial losses in a business scenario.

As you would have guessed by now, it is easier said than done. Analyzing log data for any application is not an easy task. A typical enterprise application produces several megabytes of log data per minute and even worse there isn’t one single log file in most cases. Consider a web application for example. To really monitor the application well enough you will have to monitor the web server logs, application server event logs, database server event logs, database logs, file server logs, cache server logs and so on. The difficulty is directly proportional to the complexity of the application and the number of server components / servers the application is deployed on.

Log data is never in a consistent format. Each product or platform logs data in its own format and has its own persistence mechanism. To make it more complex, log data is constantly generated all the time and has to be monitored continuously to catch up with the application usage and be able to effectively mitigate potential performance or service risks.

One of the tools that I got to play with over this week is “Splunk”. Splunk is primarily a log monitoring software that can read any log data and help you make sense out of it. It has an easy to use interface with a very powerful search feature. Splunk is offered as an On-premise solution and also on the Cloud as SaaS.

Splunk basically runs Hadoop in the background and does Map / Reduce on the log data that is uploaded to it or it is configured monitor. Unlike most other log analysis tools, Splunk does not split and disintegrate the source data for the sake of analysis whereas it keeps the log data just the way it was originally generated.

Another interesting feature is that Splunk can understand some of the standard log data like Windows Server event logs, IIS logs and so on which makes the whole process of implementing Splunk easier and simpler.


You can get your hands dirty with a free 15 day trial cloud instance Splunk offers at

There are several other log monitoring tools similar to Splunk. One of those is Logstash. This is yet another such tool for the similar purpose. Find Logstash at

Re-emphasizing the goal of this article, Performance Monitoring is a vital task that needs to be seriously considered as part of implementing DevOps in your team. If you are considering DevOps in your team and are willing to implement the CICD pipeline and best practices, Convene’s team can help you. Please visit for more details about contacting us, or just ping me back on Twitter (@imaya)

I’m a Smartwatch Skeptic. And, I’m not alone.

Going by the buzz, in about 2 months from now, the world would have embraced yet another Apple device that will rise to become a necessity and life cannot be imagined without. Yes, that’s the device I’m talking about, the Apple Watch.

Apple Watch

I’m usually not a skeptic on Apple devices because almost all the time, at least since the launch of the iconic iPod, they have been able to predict customer expectations and live or even exceed to it every single time they launched a new product into the market. iPhone changed the world, iPad calmed the kids and gave parents some peace of mind and Apple TV has been a success in its own way.

However, pondering about Apple Watch, I cannot help myself from being a skeptic. And this time, I am skeptic about its very purpose of existence itself. May be it has to do with trying to identify it as a variant of a watch.

Watches and Me

I would easily be persuaded into wearing something on my wrist if it’s not trying to be a direct alternate for a regular watch

I have never even been remotely interested in watches in my life. I wore very meager watches all my life until a few years ago, after which I just stopped wearing any. Simply, there was no appeal to wear one. I did not see a reason to wear a watch. I found it utterly useless. It served a single purpose, showing time which I couldn’t convince myself to keep wearing on the wrist all day long. However, I know friends who are totally crazy about watches and wouldn’t mind spending a bounty to buy luxury watches, which I think is perfectly fine.

 So, am I a watch hater? No. In fact I love good looking watches, and that’s about it. I just don’t want them to be on the wrist all day long.

 I would easily be persuaded into wearing something on my wrist if it’s not trying to be a direct alternate for a regular watch. Up until now, all the numerous Android watches (which if you haven’t noticed, already are available in all shapes and sizes from Round to Rectangles) that have been shipping for more than a year now have all been a big failure when it comes to real world usage.

Watches Now

To make it clear, I am not asking for a tiny device such as a watch to do more things than a powerful smartphone does. I also understand why I’m wrong if I do so. To me, it has to aid the smartphone to make those otherwise difficult tasks become simpler and usable. So far, all the Android watches have been primarily focusing only on notifications & weird time faces and almost nothing else. The first version of Samsung smart watch even came with an absurd camera in it, which quickly vanished in the later models. This only says that none of the manufacturers have really been able to clearly think of a solid purpose or a use case for a device that you could wear on the wrist. They have just been trying out random things and blindly hoping that something will make it work.

I really don’t want to see my Facebook and Twitter notifications appear on my wrist. It’s not just disturbing, but also a constant annoyance. Adding the paltry battery life these devices offer, owning one of these is more of a maintenance nightmare than anything else.

The only reasonable smart watch that I wouldn’t feel shy of buying is one of the newer Pebble watches. In particular, Pebble Steel is very impressive. It is a great looking watch, that does not compromise the “Watch” like look and feel if you are very particular about such things, along with activity tracking and notification alerts. The battery lasts for up to 7 days thanks to its e-ink display. And you know e-ink displays are only good enough for texts. So there is a big technology limitation that stops it from making it.

About the Name

I can’t really trace back to who started categorizing these devices into the “Watch” world. Its not only misleading but also irrelevant to call these things as watches.

I really wish Apple came up with a unique and simple name for this. Unfortunately, they are stuck with “Watch” too.

Microsoft came up with “Microsoft Band” which I think is a great name of a device like that. And sadly, that’s the only thing they got right on that. It is a ridiculously heavy, poorly designed and built device in every single aspect. You don’t want to buy it in its current form. May be they will get it right the 3rd time, just like they did it with the Surface.

I really wish Apple came up with a unique and simple name for this. Unfortunately, they are stuck with “Watch” too.

Purpose and Usage

There is no convincing reason in wearing a low power, crippled device like a smart watch that just causes redundancy. As mentioned earlier in this post, I want to see these devices doing more than displaying time and notification alerts

Whoever makes that happen, is going to win this segment big. Apparently, Apple Watch can be used for Apple Pay as well. Though the specifics of how this will work is still unclear, this could be one aspect to enthuse people towards it. Apple claimed that this device will also support Apple HealthKit that can track your heart rate, physical activity and more. But this is nothing unique at all. There are myriads of wearables already doing this perfectly well.

Oh yeah, you can send your heart rate to your friend who owns another Apple Watch too. When such are the features boasted prominently, you get to wonder if there any other real use case exists at all.

But knowing Apple for so long, we can expect more stuff coming our way. I got to see a video recently, that purportedly shows an Apple Watch app to control a Tesla Car. It’s very cool. That’s about it.

Will devices like Apple watch become the ‘gateway’ device for all the other gadgets that you own? Possibly could. But even my often malleable mind still fails to get me convinced on this.

All this could just be the beginning. Frankly, I hope it is so. I want to see a lot more than this. But for now, I will probably continue to remain skeptical and decide to Wait and ‘Watch’.

My days with the Mac

Sometime during October last year, I bit the holy Apple and committed the sin I never thought I’d ever make. Yes, I ordered a Mac online from for $1,899 after $100 discount. Yes, the 15” Retina display, 16 GB RAM,  256 GB SSD, Core i7 MacBook Pro. That was the best discount I could ever find on the internet that time, and I don’t remember seeing a better deal than that on any website till date. I was anxiously checking the Thanksgiving sale websites to find if I made a mistake by buying it too soon, but I was glad to see that the offer never went better than that, even during the peak holiday sale period. A sigh of relief there.

Since then, I have got 3 OS updates. All of them went smooth. 2 of them required reboot, one went just under the cover and required no reboot at all.

If I remember correctly, the silent update was for the BASH bug that caused a huge stir.

The experience has been very smooth until now. It did an unexpected reboot twice without any warning, but I suspect it was due to running Parallels.

There are way too many support keys on the keyboard – Fn, control, option & command. Even after using for over 4 months now, I am still not completely familiar with the shortcut key combinations. May be there are way too many to remember.  However, it is always fun to discover new shortcuts here and there. But it messes up your work if you are trying out different combinations. Particularly when you are in Visual Studio in Windows environment, the shortcut keys can be majorly confusing and very hard to register in muscle memory.

What did I miss?

  • Touch screen
    • I still do not believe that laptops require a touch screen at all. It’s really awkward to touch the screen and get anything done when you can comfortably lay your hands on the table and let muscle memory do all the work on the keyboard.
    • However, when you are doing mobile development, it goes a long way to have a touch screen PC so you can test the app at east, when running an emulator.
  • Microsoft Office
    • Apple offers its Office productivity suite for free. I uninstalled it from the machine after using it for a few times. I did not find it good enough to keep it for daily usage.
    • I use Office 2011 for Mac and Outlook 2015 for Mac. The experience of using Office applications on Mac is no where close to using Office on Windows. The latest version of Office for Mac is at least 4 years old. The user interface is out dated and feature crippled.
    • For example, you don’t have Power Query for the latest version of Excel you have on Mac. There is no Outlook and OneNote integration, which is a feature I depend on a lot to take meeting notes.
    • The most recently updated application of the Office applications is Outlook. It has a similarly polished UI as on Windows to some extent. But, it is feature crippled, buggy and crashes quite frequently. It would sometimes keep asking for product activation even though you have done it several times earlier and would only stop asking after you Fore Kill the application and start again.
    • I wandered around the web to find other alternates for Microsoft Office and stumbled upon LibreOffice which is supposedly the best open source office platform out there. I uninstalled it within an hour of using it. The user interface and everything in it did not cut it for me. So, I believe the Mac people are at the mercy of Microsoft and can only hope they release a better Office version the next time around.


What did I gain?

  • Application Icons at the center of the taskbar
    • I don’t know if that is significant for you, but I find it very useful to have the icons at the center of the taskbar than at the left end like pre Windows 10 versions do. (By the way in Windows 10 the icons are closer the center because of the wide Search bar taking the left end space in the taskbar)
  • Great Track pad, Awesome Keyboard, Fantastic Display
    • If not anything else, Apple makes the Best hardware in the world. They somehow make it so perfect that you will die for its appearances. Its no less on the Mac.
      • Apple did not just make the Mac so beautiful with the all metal unibody shell, but has also constructed it with top quality materials. The keyboard has the right feedback, right pressure sensitivity, great look and overall a great typing experience.
      • The trackpad on the Mac is so good, so accurate  and filled with numerous shortcuts that it makes navigating the computer a breeze.
      • As I mentioned earlier, I got a Retina display Mac which has more pixels than you actually need. The display is vibrant, clear and renders text and images with great clarity.  This is true for all high dpi Windows laptops as well. However, the main difference between running Windows on a high dpi display vs running OSX on a high dpi display is the OS itself. Windows (at least until Windows 8.1) still doesn’t support high dpi displays well enough. It somehow feels unfamiliar to use Windows on a high dpi display. This is something Microsoft has to get it right soon because, high res displays are the standard these days.
  • Great battery life
    • I run Windows on Parallels to work on my .NET projects. In my observation, Parallels drains the battery really fast. Way fast. When I shut down Windows, I get around 6 + hours whereas with Windows its about 2 + hours only.

Would I buy again?

Mac OS isn’t superior to Windows in anyway. It feels a little bit more polished in certain areas, whereas Windows is a lot easier to use in several ways. There are great things to appreciate in both operating systems and at the same time there are improvement areas as well.

I honestly can’t answer if I will make the same decision again and buy another Mac Book. Windows PCs have become lot cooler and high end as well. But, I’m a bit inclined to buy a Mac if I think about the awesome Trackpad and the Keyboard it offers. On the other hand, when look at the touch laptops in Windows, I am inclined towards it as well. So, it’s a tough call to make on which one to choose at this point.

Already in the Future?

Are we officially in the future already? Or have we just started staring at its front door? I think the latter is more precise. While we are yet to still digest and recover from the slew of mind-blowing smart gadgets shown at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015 a week ago, Microsoft continued to keep us amazed with its own event early this week. While Windows is finally looking to rise from the ashes (from the fire set by itself up in the previous incarnation), two things that kindled child like excitement in me are Cortana’s graduation into mainstream Windows and Microsoft HoloLens.

If you’re wondering what HoloLens means, it is a new headgear launched by Microsoft that can project hologram images onto real physical objects in front of you or just in the air. Sounds pretty cool isn’t it? Do not get confused with other virtual reality gadgets like Oculus. This one nicely mixes up real world and the virtual world together for both productivity and entertainment applications, whereas Oculus basically shuts-off the physical world and throws you into a mostly dizzying experience of virtual world which is predominantly used for gaming.

The world as we know it, is changing right in front of our eyes. Yes, it has been happening ever before, but the real difference is the rapidness of the change. For example, imagine the possibilities of Microsoft’s HoloLens device. The limits to what it can do and the possibilities of what humans can achieve with such a technology is only limited by imagination. This technology if executed well enough can change our lives in every aspect.

“30% faster, 25% thinner and 15% lighter” don’t excite me anymore and it shouldn’t you either. Such advancements are extremely miniscule if you look at the grand scheme of changes that’s happening all around.

Having a digital personal assistant has always been a dream and has been shown only in science fiction movies even 5 years ago. Now you have a digital assistant in your pocket (Siri, Google Now and Cortana). They are so personalized, that once you start to use them, you actually can feel the human touch. With context based emoted sounds, they have stopped feeling like robots.

From 3D printers to Drones to Smart Watches to Smart Homes to Health Monitors, we already live or are starting to live in an entirely different world than ever before and it certainly is exciting to see how these gadgets make our lives interesting.

You can buy a drone to follow you or your car and capture videos. You can measure blood glucose throughout the day and automatically get insulin injected without you being aware of. You can have your heart rate and other vital body functions monitored automatically and seek proactive treatment before its too late. You can print that new design furniture you’ve been thinking of using a 3D printer and validate its looks without getting out of your house. How cool are these?

We’re starting to see complete lifestyle changes every 5 years and with the pace of technology evolving, it is only going to get even shorter. For most part it has only caused good and helped people enjoy and share their happiness.

However, not everything is as rosy as it sounds, there are already concerns raised by eminent scientists like Stephen Hawking about Artificial Intelligence over taking humanity and eventually destroying it. On the same lines, Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently donated $10 million to keep Artificial Intelligence human friendly.

This only reminds us one important thing. The path we’re treading is going to be super beneficial or will cause severe damage if it does not play out, as we want to.

With the rise of fundamentalists and radical faith based “bad boys”, I see that there lays humongous amount of work ahead of us to ensure that the advent of these technologies don’t make life on the only precious planet we know of, more miserable.

Cloud Solutions at Convene – Part 2

Note: This post is part of a series on this topic. If you happen to get to this page directly, I strongly recommend reading the previous post here before continuing.


The term “Cloud” itself is often confused by many. Ask any cloud expert on the street and I guarantee that you will get a different explanation to what exactly the term refers to.

If I have a Data Center that hosts a bunch of Virtual Machines and if I am able to provision and remove virtual machines as and when I need, is that Cloud? The answer is, “Not Really”. The purists would totally trash this as Cloud.

A Cloud platform must provide you these key benefits at the minimum.

  1. Support for Rapid Scaling Out and Scaling In Computing power with ease
  2. Support for choice of platforms for teams as they need. For example, if my solution requires a Linux machine and a Windows machine, I must be able to provision with minimal effort. Likewise, choice for persistent storage (RDBMS, variants of No SQL), enterprise application connectivity solutions BizTalk, Service Bus etc must be within reach
  3. Optimal Total Cost of Ownership
  4. On-Demand Self Service capabilities

Other benefits such as,

  1. Support for Mobility
  2. Cheaper Storage
  3. Automatic Disaster Recovery
  4. Ease of maintenance
  5. and so on are additional benefits that come along as part of the game.
  1. IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
  2. PaaS – Platform as a Service
  3. SaaS – Software as a Service


As the name goes, this type of cloud means that the infrastructure is being provided as a service. Here, what you get is “space” for your to host your own Virtual Machines that you built in your data center or that you borrowed from the Cloud Provider’s gallery that was already available. Users no more have to worry about purchasing and maintaining hardware, Electrical cost for cooling systems in the data center, Tons of IT maintenance staff, OS Licensing (in most cases) and so on. The foundation is already made available to the users by the Cloud Providers and all one has to plan is to get the application installed on the Virtual Machine by choosing the one with necessary configuration on Processing Capacity and Primary Memory.

As an example, imagine you have a huge Sharepoint Server farm inside your environment. You are constantly worried about having enough space for new websites to be created, having enough crunching power to support growing number of users, failing hardware that need replacement, data security and storage, disaster recovery etc. Such concerns must never hinder the core business operations. After all, IT is only an “Enabler” for businesses. It must never become a “hindrance” in the way of daily operations and business growth. What if an expert IT company could do all this for you and you go on with a lean IT staff only to monitor and and handle support tickets?

Amazon EC2 and Azure Virtual Machines are the best examples of this type of Service. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Because you have the liberty to host your own Virtual Machine, that doesn’t mean that ANY virtual machine can be hosted on the cloud. Each Cloud provider has its own restriction as to what can be hosted on their environment. For example, you can no longer host a VM with Windows Server 2008 OS on Azure. Windows Server 2012 is a minimum requirement for Windows Azure.
  • Even if the VM is chosen from the existing gallery, patching, updating and keeping the machine in a healthy state is user responsibility.
  • If a single VM hosts an application, there is no SLA guarantee by most Service Providers. This is because of the fact that the rack that hosts this VM could go down due to hardware failure, undergo maintenance activities, OS patch updates etc. It is always advised to create failover clusters for production VMs. For example, Azure provides “Availability Sets” to handle this exact scenario.
  • For better performance, it is always advised to keep the VMs under one Data Center. The reason is obvious. Azure provides something called “Affinity Groups”. When you provision a VM resource you can provision it to be in the same Affinity Group as an existing VM. Doing this guarantees that these two VMs will reside in the same Data Center and hence ensure faster connectivity between them.


Microsoft Azure pioneered the PaaS concept in many ways. When the cloud movement began, Amazon was a big time IaaS Service provider. You could go and provision a Virtual Machine of your choice and install your application. You did not have to make any major code changes for the application to function normally. This was because technically the application is still running on a familiar OS and infrastructure that it was earlier built for.

On the other hand, Microsoft’s Azure cloud was totally PaaS centric. There wasn’t an option for a user to bring in his own VM and host it on the Microsoft Azure. You were given something called “VM Roles”. These are nothing but VMs at the background which you could use to install your apps and so on, but did not have as much control as you would have with a Real Virtual Machine. Yes, this is the cloud world and “Real Virtual” is not even an oxymoron here.

Some of the typical PaaS Service provided on AWS and Azure are,

  • Worker Roles, Web Roles
  • Table Storage Services
  • Mobile Services
  • Cache Services
  • Media Services
  • Enterprise application integration services

The list is really long, and its not surprising to see cloud providers launching new services far too frequently and compete against each other’s supply of armor to customers.

As you might understand, none of these services existed in the traditional on-premise data center years ago. With PaaS, we have literally moved away from Servers to Services.

What this means is, existing applications that are in use in your enterprise are simply not built to work on these environments and a large portion of it have to be rewritten in order to make use of these services. Today’s trend rightly proves this very point. New projects that are being designed directly keeping cloud in mind are using PaaS services and reap all the great benefits of cloud, while large enterprises embarking into the cloud space cannot move to PaaS directly because of the high costs involved in rewriting the existing applications to suit the needs of PaaS environment. They end up taking the shorter and firmer step, which is moving their applications to public/private/hybrid IaaS cloud infrastructure. This effort is complex and needs expert role play to make this a successful migration.

PaaS is a better cloud than IaaS for reasons such as better elasticity, ability to create granular and reusable objects, faster disaster recovery and more importantly efficient usage of the “Cloud” infrastructure itself.


If you want to call something the Ultimate Cloud, this one is. The most popular example that everyone quotes is SalesForce. Salesforce does not have an installable software or license any application to its users. It merely provides services through its software services on the cloud. Most of the SaaS systems are workload specific. It’s really hard and to an extent impossible for a SaaS platform to cater to more than one or a few specific set of business streams.

Imagine you are a small/medium business that sees rapid business expansion in the near future and wants its IT infrastructure to be ready to support the soon to be hired new employees and users. Email, Collaboration tools and Office software are required to support the larger user base and it has to happen rapidly. The natural choice to solve such situations is to use a Service like Microsoft Office 365. This is a completely cloud based software solution and qualifies as yet another great example for an SaaS solution.

As a user, one does not have to not only worry about the underlying Hardware, Operating System, Software, Database, Security, but don’t even have to have to have the knowledge of the geographic location of the Data Center being serviced from. SaaS works in subscription model, and is billed under pay-as-you-go model on a monthly basis in prominent cases.



Now that we saw about various forms of Cloud, its time to also think about the different deployment approaches

  1. Public Cloud
  2. Private Cloud
  3. Hybrid Cloud

Upcoming posts will talk about the characteristics and pros & cons of each cloud strategy in detail.

Convene’s Cloud Migration offering approaches the problem of cloud deployment and migration using proven methodologies. We follow these key steps to make the Migration a successful exercise.

  • Perform Environment application inventory
  • Analyze and Assess Target Applications
  • Perform Application and Platform remediation for incompatible applications
  • Create a custom DevOps strategy for the customer
  • Create a Proof-Of-Concept Cloud implementation
  • Migrate workloads to the Cloud
  • Setup Monitoring & Performance Analytics for DevOps

Watch out for more posts on this topic for detailed understanding of each key activity in the migration process.

Cloud Solutions at Convene – Part 1

This post is Part 1 of the series. Links to consequent posts will be provided at the end of each post once the following post is online.

It would be hard to meet a today’s CIO/CTO who isn’t hard working on a cloud project in his/her organization. Cloud technologies continue to evolve rapidly with innovation in virtualization technologies, cheaper availability of storage, cheaper, faster and efficient processors that help cater to the ever changing patterns of user needs and  business requirements.

User expectations on Service Availability and Performance of applications have skyrocketed to put it succinctly. The average user never wants to wait for an application to respond to complete a certain activity. The fact that users are trained on well-built, highly responsive casual apps and games on their phones and tablets make them expect the same level of performance from their business applications while at work.

Traditionally, qualities like faster response times, immersive user experience or scalability have never been part of the goals of a business application design and development. Rather, the whole focus would be to “just” solve the business problem from the perspective of business requirements within the reach of technology availability.

Reasons for low user expectations on Enterprise applications go beyond the boundaries of the scope of this blog post. One major reason for that is due to simply non-availability of technology within the reach of organizations. Imagine that you were a small / medium business with just enough financial freedom to invest in your top priority business needs such as advertising, expansion plans, talent acquisition and so on. Investing in setting up a Data Center that hosts Email Systems, Document Management Systems and other Internal Line-Of-Business applications, hiring and paying a team of IT Management and Support staff were never an option; that until the Cloud revolution began.

With the advent of cloud technology revolution, there are numerous cloud service providers offering services in various innovative types and formats. The big guns such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google lead the revolution with their own cloud implementation, while many providers implement the open source Open Stack  cloud platform of which Rackspace being the leader in this space.

In this era, Enterprises have multiple options to choose when it comes to investing into a cloud platform. It can become a tedious, precious time consuming and overwhelming process for a small or medium company to analyze, assess and compare the benefits of various cloud providers and choose the best suitable platform for their own IT infrastructure. This involves careful consideration of existing Enterprise IT assets, IT Investment areas, Envisioned target platform, Business user needs and clear understanding of future IT demands of the core business.

Convene’s Cloud Services Offering provides a cost efficient and meaningful way to analyze, assess and migrate to the cloud. Our processes and methodologies are devised carefully based on industry proven best practices that have shown 100% success in implementing small to very large scale cloud migration projects. Watch out for this space to learn more about this in detail.

Read Part 2